Well, it was a long and eventful weekend. Friday was my flex day and I spent it doing yoga, getting massaged and resting. I saw both Transformers and Live Free or Die Hard (by the way, Live Free or Die Hard was better!!) Internet was down all weekend and Al was CRANKY. More power yoga on Sunday to help work out the race kinks.
Saturday's practice race could honestly not have gone any better unless I pushed myself a little harder. I got there in plenty of time, the swim course was so short that I was able to swim its entirity as part of my warmup, and I FINALLY MADE A FREAKING PR!!!!!!!
Here's how it boiled down: the swim took me less than 7 minutes, whipping my previous super sprint swim by over a minute. (!!!!) I smoked some serious rubber on the bike except for . . . . . . . the hills. I not only caught up with but outran some people.
Then they caught me on the fucking run (and outran me, too). The run was rough. My calves were really cramping bad and I had no warmup time at all because it was only 1.5 miles. I did pause to stretch just a little but otherwise ran the whole way. Total time: 54:30. Previous super sprint time was over 56 minutes. Sure, I didn't push as hard as I could, but it was a practice race.
Besides, I'll take the PR. I don't care how ugly it is!
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