Well, some time during the year, it became clear to me that I was not going to have enough room for this, as my racing habit quickly developed into a monster. So, I then bought myself a giant shadow box with a frame that matches my office furniture (cherry, mahogany, in that family). I shoved all of 2006's Bling in this box along with all the bibs and fun stuff.
Now the only problem is, if I am going to have one of these for every year (and I fully intend to), where am I going to put the bloody things? I already have a wall full of my degrees, diplomas, honor certificate, Iota Sigma membership, etc. I mean, they're fah-reaking HUGE!
With all the crankies I've had this week, it just made me feel good to look at all this stuff and think, "wow, so many down but so, so many to go."
It's a nice problem to have. :)
2 tidbits of wizdom:
Have yourself a wall of fame, and dedicate one wall to these shadow boxes...just a suggestion. I kinda did something like that for all my firefighting stuff. Well, not so much my certificates, but old pictures of fire trucks, a real old label off an antique fire extinguisher I have (also displayed in my office). It's good to surround yourself with special items that mean a lot to you...keeps your heart in the things you have passion for.
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