I swear, you guys. I'm doing nothing. You hear me? Nothing. I mean, my last workout was a 5k run last Friday. Before that, a half marathon. Before that, several 4-7 milers. Before that, rest and injury recovery with an occasional swim. And guess what happened this morning? The alarm went off ok, so my previous problems must have been user error. But Meggan

<--------This is Meggan Ann right now. Kickin' back. Old as hell. (Sans cigar.) I take about 12 pills a day. I gots my 2 heart pills, my ear pill, my pill that helps everything, my multivitamin, and all my supplements. But seriously. I really need some help. There's got to be something I can do to get my energy levels up. I'm supposed to go 5 mi tonight, 9 tomorrow morning, 4 on Saturday morning, and 16 or so on Sunday morning with a yoga class Sunday night. The problem is, I got up this morning more tired than ever. Last night I could barely make it to class. The night before I could barely make it home. Right now I can barely focus. I have STACKS of laundry in my office that have been sitting there for four weeks because my routine has been: wake at 7, get to work a little late, stay to make up for it, come home, either fall asleep before eating or eat and then pass out - OR- go to class, run home and pass out, rinse and repeat. Some times the pills make me better, some times worse. I know RJ did some studies on EDS and provigil. I can't take provigial and I don't see my heart doc until next week. If I don't do something to get my energy up soon, or get my sleep cycle corrected, or whatever I need to do, I am not going to make it to Philly.
So I keep thinking to myself . . . how was I able to train so hard, so well for my tri season? How did I make it? Couple of factors.
- Wasn't working full-time.
- Was working with a training group part-time.
- Was on leave of absence for some of the time.
- You people. And the Higdon forums people.
Well, at least I still have the last one.
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