First, of course, is the bad. Because it's just so freaking hilarious. I'm not doing my "arms up, tubby-finished-the-race" pose. You can tell by the look on my face that I was pretty much like, "Eff this. I can't run through this nonsense without falling dead on my face." So I didn't run. I slogged. What else does one do in mud that comes all the way almost up to one's ankles? And who knows what I was saying. "Holy crap this is some deep mud"? "Thank God I'm done"? Your guess is as good as mine. I know by posting it I'm inviting the Photoshoppers, but I really don't care.
That's in part because there was a good photo. In fact, it's probably my favorite race photo so far, or close to it. Now, mind you, the smile and the thumbs up are totally fake.

But, the smile doesn't look too fake, I don't look like a total fatass, and you can tell I was at least trying. And it's proof of one more race down. One more finish under my belt. 13.1 miles gone. In 100% humidity. At over 80 degrees. While I was sick as a dog. After barely training. I guess a finish was more than I could even ask for, let alone one within 5 minutes of my last half marathon time.
So, am I still doing Philly? Yup. Why not?
Now I have to finish work so I can go home and attempt a 10-mile run.
1 tidbits of wizdom:
That first one is funny! That mud looks bad!
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