The IMOF was off to a swinging start with a little rendezvous and some partying over sushi and sake and Wii with Karime, Pete, Luis and company. The next weekend, I went out for the IMOF kickoff with Luis, Nate, Karime and company - see left. 
The following week, I got in way over my head at work and school, saw Buck65 at The Social ,got a sinus infection and flew to Philadelphia for the marathon (right). As soon as I hit Orlando, I had to shop for Thanksgiving food. My parents came down and I spent the weekend cramming for the test I STILL hadn't taken, cooking, eating giant meal
s (hellooooo, Maggiano's!! - left - in the picture where I look pregnant EW!), being sick as hell, developing a little crush, and just freaking out in general.

This week everything came to a head - no puns intended. As the month begins to wind down, projects are getting tied up, my parents are home, I'm making little steps towards my various illnesses, and I finally took the test and got caught up a little at work and in class. I am almost 28 now, and I won't be able to take off my birthday, but I really don't mind.
Somehow, I'm okay with everything and everyone in my life.
It's a nice place to be.
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