For the 3rd morning in a row, I woke up feeling like every muscle and bone in my body had been steamrolled. My throat is raw and I'm sniffly.
Tonight I don't feel as bad as I did last night - I even missed class - but I don't know if I'll run. I don't want to push it like I did a few weeks back and end up sicker. And that's my frustrating-ass story. Because, really . . . . this week was supposed to be "on target" . . . and it's not.
I'm cranky.
I'm also cranky because I look totally retarded in the race pics from the 10k. Wubsy saw them

Are you ready for this?
"Now that's an experienced runner!"
And I said, "WTF does that mean?"
"Only someone who's been doing this a long, long time would actually pose for the paps as they were running by."
"Only someone who's been doing this a long, long time would actually pose for the paps as they were running by."
2 tidbits of wizdom:
I think your pics look good. Ya know? Hope you feel better ASAP :-) {real smiley face}
I thought the pictures were really good....now....ironically, I just looked at my IM CDA pictures. Goodness.goodness.goodness. I forgot how sick I was. There's one where I look like I'm going to fall off my bike sideways.
Anyhoo....LURVE the pix. You really do look like a runner. I just look like I'm in pain. :)
I hope you get better soon. AK's been sick for 21 days now. ugh.
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