I'm feelin' the itch.
It's time for another getaway.
Although I'd really like to go somewhere luxurious and/or tropical, my wallet disagrees with me. I mean, I haven't even figured out if I can afford to do any races until my Half Iron in November (more on that later.) So I managed to track down disg
ustingly cheap tickets to Mom and Dad's for 6 or 7 days, so now that work is slowing down a bit, I took the chance.
I spent all day Friday cleaning the house and running errands. One of those errands, as you can see from the bag that Girlie decided to hid
e herself in, was to get hair product at Ulta. Another involved the bridesmaid dress for my Soul Sister (Heather)'s wedding. (See previous posts
re: Year of the HAM.)
Problem was, I got out into the rainy day, already bogged down with errands and housecleaning (I haven't been home in 6 or 7 days to clean; and besides, who wants to come home to a dirty house?) So I wasn't too happy when I got to the bridal shop to find out they didn't have my size anywhere in my city.
Where they did have it, however, was in Chat
tanooga, TN. Which just happens to be where I'm flying to see Mom and Dad the very next morning.
So, I packed my bags, ate the biggest breakfast sandwich known to man (how was I supposed to know they meant "loaf of bread" when they asked me what bread I wanted?) and landed in Chattanooga a few hours later.
Sweet home Alabama. Where the skies are not so blue . . .
Sweet home Alabama. Where the skies are not so blue . . .
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