On Sunday, I'm going to do something I've never done before.
I'm going to run a marathon in costume.

So, I'm not going to RUN a marathon on Sunday, I'm going to FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY.
Today I did a 1.5-hour run, with some walking. The legs are definitely feeling better. It's hard to move fast, but I'm hoping with rest and ice and stretching and foam rolling this week I can pick up the pace in the next 7 days.
That's another lesson I've learned . . . . at least one training day per week should be dedicated to stretch, foam rolling, yoga, etc.
I have a lot to do this week - grades are due, a speech is due, math homework is due, research is due . . . yesterday I got totally hijacked for the 3rd weekend in a row by the B . . . he locked his keys in his car (which cannot be jimmied open) and he was 80 miles away. So I lost an entire 5 hours of my day including travel, meeting, etc.
You just gotta keep on keepin' on!
90% to my goal!! check it out and donate http://main.acsevents.org/goto/megganann
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