I also figured out what I am going to wear. (As long as I get the right size here in time.)

I try to do my part by speaking openly about the illness. The biggest thing people don't realize is that thyca means not only do you get surgery (mandatory) radioactive iodine (usually also mandatory) chemo (possibly) and then you get to have thyroid DISEASE for the rest of your life because your body thinks it's constantly hypothyroid since you no longer have one.
And since I don't have an event of my own own, I try to do something at my big races. At Rock'n'Roll Mardi Gras this February, I sported teal/blue/purple butterfly wings and wore purple accesories so that when people asked about it I could explain that the thyroid is the butterfly and those are our colors.
But it's also a reminder for myself. Whenever I feel sorry for myself, or forget how far I've come, it helps to remind myself, if I still had cancer there's no way I'd be doing this.
Well, butterfly wings are a bit uncomfortable after 5-6 hours, so this is the shirt I'm going to buy for the race.
It pretty much sums up my attitude.
Hey Cancer. You picked the wrong Bitch.
for more information about thyroid cancer, visit www.thyca.org or www.checkyourneck.com
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