How was your New Year's Eve? Mine was . . . . . boozy. In my 20s, I could knock back quite the cocktail, but now that I'm - well, not 20-something anymore - not so much.
Ever heard that toast may all your joys be pure joys, and all your pain, champagne? There's a reason pain and champagne are in there so close together. (I don't normally get champagne hangovers, but I don't normally drink that much of it, either.)
OK, so now that I have confessed my sins, you'll be proud to know that I've also done my penance: 30 windy miles in the little chain ring.
Remember my new version? MAJsicle 2012? As little as I party anymore, 2012 will be filled with even less partying. Why? Because that's not what The New MAJ Would Do. I have some big plans/goals for this year, and getting White Girl Wasted (even once a year) isn't in there.
In the past, MAJ would work on New Things. MAJ would try something crazy. MAJ would see how long she could go. Well, in 2012, it's all about changing it up. So I'm working on getting FASTER at things I've already done and toning up to look more like an athlete.
The first part of the year is my off-season. As I gear back up for training, and start working on SPEED, I will be doing shorter, faster things.
- First, a crit (to say I did one), because even though it is crazy and new, it will help my speed training.
- I'm also going on a tri-specific strength plan. I will be hitting the weights to try to cut my body fat drastically between now and March.
- Then, to train for Florida 70.3, the Tour de Mom for the American Diabetes Association.
- Also would like to do a 5k (to try to do one in somewhere between 25 and 28 minutes)
- The 70.3 itself, hopefully in 6:30 or so.
- I won't have the cash to do many summer races, but if I do, they'll be short and cheap.
Some side goals:
- Swim 120,000+ yards
- Ride 70 miles + per week
- Run 10+ miles per week
The final part of the year is endurance. Since I have to flip back to endurance for marathon training, I may do another century. We'll see. My goal marathon is NYC; if I don't get in to NYC I'll aim for Marine Corps. I don't know what my marathon goal will be - it will depend on the year. Maybe to get a sub-5 marathon under my belt. But I am playing that part by ear.

As much as I love a good celebration, I am sure I'll figure something out.
Happy New Year! (or, as I love to say, HAPPY NEW YOU!)
1 tidbits of wizdom:
Happy new year!!! I did a swim meet a couple years ago - just to say I did - so a crit for that reason sounds perfect :)
It's going to be a fun year!
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